Join us this weekend March 31-April 1 (US) or April 1-2 (Asia) (based on your timezone) and let us stand in the gap for Iran.

With songs of praise, thanksgiving, and all kinds of supplications, let us plead with 1 Mind for Iran for peace, safety, and changed hearts that long for an earnest relationship with God. On this occasion, MusicVerse and 24/7 United Prayer, in partnership with ASAP Ministries and the Revival and Reformation of the General Conference, offer its quarterly 24-hour virtual prayer chain and musical concert. Join us on March 31-April 2 (depending on your time zone) for 24 hours to pray, sing and witness God’s goodness for our  Muslim brothers and sisters. Don’t miss God’s call and see how He breaks the bonds of wickedness and comforts those who are in pain and suffering. Click “Join Now” below to register and get the zoom link.

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Support the gospel work in the Middle East and Iran.


Prayer Points

1st hour - Pray for Church members in Iran

Pray for their protection and ministry.

Pray that their would be a place of worship or a church building planted for Adventists there.

2nd hour - Freedom from Addictions

Pray for believers in Iran or in MENA to be from addictions such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs etc.

Pray that the support group of Sonya would be able to lead more to Jesus

Pray that there would be more support groups in Iran to help people from addictions and abuse.

3rd hour - Pray for Middle East and North Africa Division

Pray that the gospel message can spread throughout this challenging territory.

Pray for strength and protection for the Global Mission pioneers.

Pray for the Bible study interests in MENA, may their hearts be transformed in Jesus and accept Him as personal Saviour

4th hour - Pray for the children in Iran and MENA

Pray for the many children of Iran who are victims of violence and bullying.

Pray that the children would receive a proper education.

5th hour - Pray for the Nowruz Project

Pray for provisions to the literature evangelism ministry

Pray for those that have received the thousand distributed thumb drives, videos, recorded sermons, TV programs and books that they be kept safe, and be able to accept Jesus.

6th hour - Pray for the Missionaries in MENA

Pray that God would raise up missionaries that would be representatives in spreading the gospel

Pray for the provisions and protections of all missionaries across MENA

7th hour - Pray for the Economy of Iran

Pray that protests brutality end and that protesters be protected.

Pray for wisdom for officials responsible for the economy and the Iran regime.

Pray for those that our turning to Jesus through these circumstances.

8th hour - Pray for all Iranian Women & the Persecuted

Pray for healing and protection for those suffering from mental illness and suicidal thoughts.

Pray that more women would follow Jesus.

Pray that their legal position would improve & they would have access to counselling for those who have endured abuse.

9th hour - Pray for the Muslim Next Door

Pray for the ministries reaching out to Muslims around the world.

Pray for divine appointment to reach out to your muslim neighbors.

10th hour - Pray for Christian Martyrs

Pray for Christians to preach boldly despite the risk.

Pray for new believers to continue to be inspired by the witness of the martyrs.

Pray for families of marytrs to be comfored by the Holy Spirit.

11th hour - Pray For All Christian Prisoners in Iran

Pray for prisoners to have fair, impartial trials.

Pray for prisoners and officials to hear the Gospel.

Pray for all judges to love justice and mercy.

12th hour - Pray for house churches all over around the country

Pray for growth and witness.

Pray for protection from detection by hostile neighbors and infiltration of authorities.

13th hour - Pray For Healing for the Victims of Iran Poisoning

Pray for the health care system of Iran.

Pray for the ongoing investigation of the recent poisoning.

Pray that these violent acts causing young girls to suffer stop.

14th hour - Pray For Strength for Christians in Prison

Pray for courage for Christians facing arbitrary arrest.

Pray for the release of all imprisoned for their faith.

Pray for provisions such as food and water for those imprisoned.

15th hour - Pray for missionaries and workers.

Pray that many Adventist missionaries and workers in MENA would be able to help Iranians like Yeshua.

Pray for those Iranians studying Theology like Yeshua to have wisdom & provisions in their studies.

16th hour - Pray for Christian books and resources

Pray for the publishing of bibles and Christian books to be allowed inside Iran.

Pray for the protection of websites and apps providing resources.

Pray for Iranians to be converted to the word of God

17th hour - Pray for gospel transformation and church growth

Pray for the disillusioned masses to find hope and fulfillment in Jesus.

Gospel transformation among the enslaved by rampant poverty.

God’s power to expand the already unprecendented Church growth.

18th hour - Pray for revelation that Jesus alone gives us confident access to God in prayer

Pray for Muslims to be overwhelmed by the personal presence of the Living God as they pray.

Pray for realization that their heart cries are heard by a Father who loves them.

19th hour - Pray for Iranians to find identity and value in belonging to Jesus Christ

Pray for opportunities to hear the Gospel through courageous witness and creative media.

Pray for the multipying Iranian church to obey the call to reach the Azeri’s.

20th hour - Pray for Divine Appointments

Pray for continued fervent evangelism & protection for evangelists.

Pray for continued openness to the Gospel.

Pray for a growing movement of intentional one-to-one discipleship.

21th hour - Pray for New Converts to be Witnesses

Pray for new Iranian converts to be powerful witnesses for His glory.

Pray for protection for the brave believers who distribute Scripture and their testimony.

Pray for the Spirit to open the heart of family members and those who read the Scripture.

22th hour - Pray for the Current Leaders of Iran

Pray for protection, courage and wisdom for current leaders.

Pray for local government leaders. The bible tells us that God put leaders in position, and he takes them down that His purposes may be accomplished.

23th hour - Pray for all the youth especially young girls to come to faith and find purpose in their lives

Pray that childhood marriage would stop in Iran.

Pray for more Adventist ministries to be able to reach the youth in MENA

24th hour - Pray for all Adventist ministries reaching out to the hearts of Muslims all around the world.

Pray for the Hope and Peace of Jesus to expel rampant despair, depression and fear.

Pray for entire households to come to faith in Jesus and be restored.

Pray for increasing access to the gospel through courageous witness and creative media.