Daily Devotionals2025-01-02T10:56:47+00:00

Heart preparation/challenge (10/10)

Heart preparation/challenge: Read “Righteousness by Faith” by Dennis Smith pages 1 to 4 (pages 21 to 24 of the PDF file) in preparation for Day 1.  Prayerfully answer Day 1 discussion questions in preparation to share on Day 1 Going Deeper segment of united prayer. Take note of where your [...]

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Day 1 Devotional Before United Prayer (10/11)

Day 1 Devotional Before United Prayer: (Reading about 1:07 min)    ELLEN WHITE AND THE 1888 MESSAGE    The Bible is clear and Ellen White understood that Christ’s imputed righteousness (justification) and His imparted righteousness (sanctification) was absolutely essential for the believer to understand and experience. “Clad in the armor [...]

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Day 2 Devotional Before United Prayer (10/12)

Day 2 Devotional Before United Prayer: (Reading about 1:59min) THE HEART OF JONES AND WAGGONER’S MESSAGE These teachings on the justifying and sanctifying righteousness of Christ were at the very heart of Jones and Waggoner’s messages of righteousness by faith. Ellen White emphatically supported their teaching on this subject. “The [...]

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Day 3 Devotional Before United Prayer: (10/13) 

Day 3 Devotional Before United Prayer: (Reading about 1:32min)  Continuation of the Significance of the 1888 message   Just as the disciples were empowered to do Christ’s work by receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, so also God’s last remnant people will need to be [...]

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Day 4 Devotional Before United Prayer: (10/14) 

Day 4 Devotional Before United Prayer: (about 2:15minutes reading)   JONES AND WAGGONER’S 1888 MESSAGE   Jones and Waggoner taught a number of biblical truths in 1888, and the years that followed. In this devotional book, Pastor Dennis Smith is focusing on what he considers to be the heart of their message—righteousness [...]

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Day 5 Devotional Before United Prayer: (10/15) 

Day 5 Devotional Before United Prayer: (about 1:19min reading)   THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT   Understanding and experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit is essential for the Christian to experience Christ’s continual presence in our lives. It is only as Christ lives in us that His righteousness will be [...]

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