Establishing a House of Prayer

Today, we focus on the foundational importance of prayer in building a house of revival. Reflecting on Psalm 127:1, we acknowledge that without God’s presence, our efforts are in vain. Ellen G. White beautifully describes prayer as “the opening of the heart to God as to a friend.” Let us dedicate this day to praying for the transformation of hearts within our church community and seeking God’s guidance in every aspect of our revival efforts.

Suggested Reading: 

  1. Devotional Reading:  Read  Psalm 127:1 and reflect on the importance of God building the house of prayer and the necessity of seeking His presence in all revival efforts.

            Read: Ellen G. White Quote (from Prayer, page 12):

            “Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend.”

  1. Join the boiler room and follow along with their devotional reading for the day. 

Day 14 Heart Challenge: 

1. Pray for God to establish a strong foundation of prayer in your church, recognizing that without His building, all human efforts are in vain. Pray for God to breathe His Spirit upon every member of your church, transforming them into Spirit-filled laborers for His kingdom.

2. Ask God to reveal any areas in your life where you might be hindering the work of revival through self-reliance or resistance to His Spirit.

3. Prayerfully reflect and prepare your heart for Day 15 by reading Luke 11:9-10 and Prayer, page 93.  

Join the Boiler Room