Unlocking Heaven’s Resources Through Prayer

Today, we draw inspiration from the early church’s unity and devotion to prayer as we reflect on Acts 1:14. Ellen G. White highlights the power of prayer as the key that unlocks heaven’s resources. Let us approach this day with a heart prepared for community prayer gatherings, cultivating a deep spiritual hunger for revival, and surrendering our will to God’s leading in the pursuit of His kingdom.

Suggested Reading:

1.      Devotional Reading:

  • Scripture: Acts 1:14
  • Reflection: Reflect on the example of the early church’s unity and devotion to prayer as they awaited the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Ellen G. White Quote (from Prayer, page 108):

“Prayer is the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven’s storehouse, where are treasured the boundless resources of Omnipotence.”

  1.  Join the boiler room and follow along with their devotional reading for the day.

Day 16 Heart Challenges:

  1. Prayer Gathering: Organize or participate in a prayer meeting with other believers, focusing specifically on praying for revival in your church and community.
  2. Spiritual Hunger: Ask God to cultivate a deep hunger for revival within your heart and the hearts of others, driving you to earnest prayer and sacrificial devotion.
  3. Surrendered Will: Surrender your own desires and plans to God, committing to seek His will above all else in the pursuit of revival.
  4. Heart Preparation: Let us prepare for Day 17 by reflecting on 2 Chronicles 7:14, considering the conditions for revival outlined in this verse and the role of humble prayer and repentance in revival.
Join the Boiler Room