Persistence in Prayer
Today, we reflect on the importance of persistence in prayer. Matthew 11:12 reminds us of the earnestness with which we should approach prayer, persistently seeking God’s intervention. Let’s explore how our deep sense of need and desire for God’s guidance shape our prayer life.
Suggested Reading:
1. Devotional Bible Verse: Matthew 11:12 – “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding it.”
EGW Quote: “A deep sense of our need, and a great desire for the things for which we ask, must characterize our prayers” (YRP 27).
Reflection: Reflect on the concept of persistence in prayer. How does having a deep sense of need and a great desire for God’s intervention shape the way you approach prayer?
2. Join the boiler room and follow along with their devotional reading for the day.
Day 38 Heart Challenges:
1. Spend additional time in prayer today, persistently bringing your requests before God.
2. Write down a specific prayer request that you’ve been praying about for some time.
3. Reflect on how your persistence in prayer has shaped your faith.
4. Meditate on the concept of holy earnestness in prayer and how it manifests in your own prayer life.
5. Prayerfully read and reflect on Matthew 21:22 and Christ Object lesson page 146 to prepare ahead for Day 39.
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