Day 40 Devotional Before United Prayer:

Share your testimony of these 40 days of Righteousness by Faith (2 minutes).

Day 40 Prayer Focus:  Pray for

  • The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
  • Revival for yourself and the church 
  • God to lead your church to understand and experience the three amazing experiences of the new birth, the baptism of the Holy Spirit and righteousness by faith in preparation for Christ’s soon return
  • Those on your prayer list

Day 40 Going Deeper: 

Invite participants to share 2 minutes testimony of their 40 days journey of praying and studying Christ’s righteousness by faith.

Testimonies  during 40 days of Prayer:

  1. I have always heard about the message of Righteousness by Faith (RBF) and never really bothered to understand it beyond its face-value meaning – that because of simply believing in Jesus then I am made righteous. I never knew that it was a life-transforming message. Having participated prayerfully and sincerely in these 40 Days of Prayer, I have not only gained a deeper understanding of the message of RBF, I have also encountered an upper room experience where I have   learned about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and have become Christ’s witness.  By His grace I now continue to pray for the Holy Spirit daily, and for Christ to live in me until His character will be perfectly reflected in me. I now understand the Mystery of God and the third angel’s message better. – Audrey P.

 2 . I thank GOD for orchestrating my life to join this 247 united prayer. I thank GOD for allowing me to go through almost three years of rheumatoid arthritis , sleepless nights in terrible pain. Through these pain, the LORD have led me to be patient and totally trusting in HIS word and promises. Through this three years of immobility, I join the 247 united prayer. Each call bring messages of hope, comfort and pain healing. With these 40 days of Righteousness by Faith, I have experienced a new ness in my spiritual life. From a spiritual slavery and faith based on my works, I have found true victory over trial and temptations in the power of CHRIST. Before, my law abiding is more to please my parents, the society. This lead me to more failures, trying to gain salvation through work. I praise the LORD , by joining this 247 forty days, I have found true healing of peace and mind and also as I’m testifying, the LORD have removed my physical body pain and now I’m sleeping very well,, only to be awakened for the early 3am Indian call. Yes, GOD’S healing is wholesome, healing . of body, mind and soul.
One can only experience by the indwelling of the HOLY SPIRIT. daily, walking in the presence , abiding in CHRIST.
Through CHRSIST RIGHTEOUSNESS, we have the true victory over everything, addiction or, sickness ,, because HE had won on Calvary.
I’m really looking forward for what my GOD is preparing by the end of this 40 days, For our GOD is a rewarder for those who diligently seek HIIM. Amen – Sivo

3. During the time of attending the 40 days of prayer, I praise God for the light I have had received about righteousness by faith, the light that I have first learned and heared. I gained a clearer understanding about the righteousness by faith of what was stated in the Bible. Righteousness by faith meant living a life of Jesus within. i need to fully surrender my self to God, so that Jesus may live out His life to me.
I thank God for the light that He revealed to His servant Ellen G. White, that His children ,who truly accept this truth, be prepared for the soon Christ return. Understanding this message truly blessed me, and draw me closer to God. Thanks God and praise to His Holy name for the wonderful truth He has given to His people.

How does the message of righteousness by faith change my life? I really change the way I look at things now as what Philippians 2:5-6 says” you must think and act like Christ Jesus. (6) Christ himself was like God in everything. But did not think that being equal with God was something to be used for his own benefit. I felt, I am more courageous than before. In me, have the courage to face, what others will say, its not of me. It is of God. I die daily, that Christ may live within me. I felt the peace of Christ within. It is not me, it is God who is giving me love, meekness, selfeshness that I may share it to others. – Nancy D

4. I thank God for His unending love. Earlier this year I was praying for God to bless me with a scholarship. I had received rejections from the ones I had applied. Then I saw the 40 days of prayer and started attending every lunch hour with team Malasya. It was such a blessing and my faith grew. Then on 31 of May my supervisor gave me a good news that I will be involved in a fully funded project as part of my research for the entire study. Another surprise was awaiting me.
In October, I got a call from on of the scholarships I had received a rejection from. They informed me to check my portal and sign the contracts that I had been awarded a scholarship.God indeed works in ways that l can never understand. He makes ways through walls and His time is the best. I thank Him for His blessings and mercy. Amen – Prisca A.

5. There is no doubt that the Lord is in this thing, initially I was supposed to be at the farm away from any zoom connection.I knew there was going to be the study on the message of RBF but God worked it his way that I stay around my usually resident untill the 40 days of study are over.Praise God!! – Hikabonga M. 

6. My spiritual life is strengthen through the daily study of Righteousness by Faith because I am more conscious of my need to total surrender myself to Jesus every moment, asking Him for the infilling of the Holy Spirit in my life.  I am more patient and understanding of others and less critical of others sinful action.  – Barbara W.

7.   I have stopped praying, Lord give me strength!  I am now praying, “Live out Your life within me, oh Jesus King if kings!” I can now glory in my weakness, since where I am weak, Christ is strong and perfects my weakness!  – Lindale

8. This message of Righteousness by Faith has been the missing piece in my relationship with God. I am so thankful for this message that has given me peace, hope, and joy. I now pray asking for the Holy Spirit throughout the day and even though I make mistakes, I no longer get so discouraged but rather believe that Jesus is changing me  – Jane E.

9. This journey for me during this study of Righteousness by Faith has been life transforming. I have learned that it is through a total and complete surrender to Christ and the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit that victory over sin is assured. It is also very clear that the proclamation of the third angel’s message is closely entwined with the message of Righteousness by Faith. I also got a better understanding of what Rev 10:7 mean when it says ‘the mystery of God should be finished.’ My eyes have been enlightened and my spirit has truly been revived and reformed through this message of hope and victory over every sin. Glory to GOD – Joan (East Coast)


Day 40 Heart preparation/challenge:


  1. Prayerfully ask God to help you from hereon to have Christ manifest in your lives daily so you can be ready to receive the outpouring of the latter rain.
  2. Encourage your church family to study this book.