Day 19 Devotional Before United Prayer:  (about 1:22 min reading)

All Agree

The Bible, Ellen White, Jones, and Waggoner all agree that complete victory over temptation and sin is possible even now. The message of righteousness by faith presented in 1888 teaches us “how” we can have this complete victory through Christ living in us through the Spirit. 

Complete victory is the experience we must all have if we are living when Jesus comes. That is why Satan has fought so fiercely to keep God’s people from understanding the message of righteousness by faith. We need not fear Satan’s plots against us. Jesus gained complete victory over our foe and offers that victory to us through our faith in His righteousness.  Jesus began the work of salvation in our life and He will bring us to complete victory as we place our faith in Him and His righteousness.

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: (Philippians 1:6)


Don’t Be Discouraged

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see this level of victory in your Christian life today.  Learning the way of victory through Christ is a process.  As the disciple John wrote, God wants us to have the victory.  However, if we fall we have Jesus Christ as our advocate with the Father. (1John 2:1)  Because of Christ’s mediatory work as our High Priest we have forgiveness. (1John 1:9)  

Someday soon Jesus will complete His ministry as our High Priest (Daniel 12:1; Revelation 15:8).  At that point we must have learned how to experience victory over all temptation and sin through righteousness by faith in Christ.  Don’t become fearful.  Instead learn to daily, moment-by-moment trust Jesus to complete His work in you. (Philippians 1:6)

Day 19 Prayer Focus:  Pray for

  • The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
  • Revival for yourself and the church 
  • God to lead the church and to experience complete victory over sin through faith in Christ
  • Those on your prayer list

Day 19 Going Deeper Discussion Questions: (based on pages 63 to 64 of “Righteousness by Faith” by Dennis Smith [pages 83 to 84 of the PDF version])

  1.   What does the bible, sister White and brothers James and Waggoner all agree on?
  2. What does the 1888 message teach us? – (*How* we can have this complete victory through Christ living in us).
  3. If we fall into sin what promises or assurance do we have (see 1John 1:9 or 1 John 2:1)?
  4. What experience must all believers living at the time of Jesus’ return have?
  5. What should we be doing daily?
  6. Should we be discouraged when we fall in sin or temptations?
  7. If we keep our faith in God to complete His work in us, what promise has He given us?  
  8. What has been your journey with overcoming sin and temptation?
  9. Do you believe overcoming sin and temptation is possible today?

Day 19 Heart preparation/challenge:


Throughout the day ask God to remind you what He is speaking to you in today’s reading and going deeper discussions and to help you to apply them in your life.


Read “Righteousness by Faith” by Dennis Smith pages 66 to 69 (pages 86 to 89 of the PDF file) in preparation for Day 20.


Prayerfully answer Day 20 discussion questions in preparation to share on Day 20 Going Deeper segment of united prayer.